
Creates a new #GstUri object with the given URI parts. The path and query strings will be broken down into their elements. All strings should not be escaped except where indicated.

  1. this(GstUri* gstUri, bool ownedRef)
  2. this(string scheme, string userinfo, string host, uint port, string path, string query, string fragment)
    class Uri
    string scheme
    string userinfo
    string host
    uint port
    string path
    string query
    string fragment


scheme string

The scheme for the new URI.

userinfo string

The user-info for the new URI.

host string

The host name for the new URI.

port uint

The port number for the new URI or %GST_URI_NO_PORT.

path string

The path for the new URI with '/' separating path elements.

query string

The query string for the new URI with '&' separating query elements. Elements containing '&' characters should encode them as "%26".

fragment string

The fragment name for the new URI.

Return: A new #GstUri object.


ConstructionException GTK+ fails to create the object.
