
Allocate a new buffer that wraps the given memory. @data must point to @maxsize of memory, the wrapped buffer will have the region from @offset and @size visible.

When the buffer is destroyed, @notify will be called with @user_data.

The prefix/padding must be filled with 0 if @flags contains #GST_MEMORY_FLAG_ZERO_PREFIXED and #GST_MEMORY_FLAG_ZERO_PADDED respectively.

  1. this(GstBuffer* gstBuffer, bool ownedRef)
  2. this()
  3. this(Allocator allocator, size_t size, AllocationParams params)
  4. this(ubyte[] data)
  5. this(GstMemoryFlags flags, ubyte[] data, size_t maxsize, size_t offset, void* userData, GDestroyNotify notify)
    class Buffer


flags GstMemoryFlags


data ubyte[]

data to wrap

maxsize size_t

allocated size of @data

offset size_t

offset in @data

userData void*


notify GDestroyNotify

called with @user_data when the memory is freed

Return: a new #GstBuffer


ConstructionException GTK+ fails to create the object.
