
Warning gtk_widget_queue_clear_area has been deprecated since version 2.2 and should not be used in newly-written code. Use gtk_widget_queue_draw_area() instead. This function is no longer different from gtk_widget_queue_draw_area(), though it once was. Now it just calls gtk_widget_queue_draw_area(). Originally gtk_widget_queue_clear_area() would force a redraw of the background for GTK_NO_WINDOW widgets, and gtk_widget_queue_draw_area() would not. Now both functions ensure the background will be redrawn.

class Widget
int x
int y
int width
int height


x int

x coordinate of upper-left corner of rectangle to redraw

y int

y coordinate of upper-left corner of rectangle to redraw

width int

width of region to draw

height int

height of region to draw
