
Warning gtk_toolbar_insert_stock has been deprecated since version 2.4 and should not be used in newly-written code. Use gtk_toolbar_insert() instead. Inserts a stock item at the specified position of the toolbar. If stock_id is not a known stock item ID, it's inserted verbatim, except that underscores used to mark mnemonics are removed. callback must be a pointer to a function taking a GtkWidget and a gpointer as arguments. Use G_CALLBACK() to cast the function to GCallback.


stockId string

The id of the stock item you want to insert

tooltipText string

The text in the tooltip of the toolbar button

tooltipPrivateText string

The private text of the tooltip

callback GCallback

The callback called when the toolbar button is clicked.

userData void*

user data passed to callback

position int

The position the button shall be inserted at. -1 means at the end.

Return Value

Type: Widget

the inserted widget
