
Undocumented in source.

Public Imports

public import gtkc.glibtypes;
Undocumented in source.



class Node

Description The GNode struct and its associated functions provide a N-ary tree data structure, where nodes in the tree can contain arbitrary data. To create a new tree use g_node_new(). To insert a node into a tree use g_node_insert(), g_node_insert_before(), g_node_append() and g_node_prepend(). To create a new node and insert it into a tree use g_node_insert_data(), g_node_insert_data_before(), g_node_append_data() and g_node_prepend_data(). To reverse the children of a node use g_node_reverse_children(). To find a node use g_node_get_root(), g_node_find(), g_node_find_child(), g_node_child_index(), g_node_child_position(), g_node_first_child(), g_node_last_child(), g_node_nth_child(), g_node_first_sibling(), g_node_prev_sibling(), g_node_next_sibling() or g_node_last_sibling(). To get information about a node or tree use G_NODE_IS_LEAF(), G_NODE_IS_ROOT(), g_node_depth(), g_node_n_nodes(), g_node_n_children(), g_node_is_ancestor() or g_node_max_height(). To traverse a tree, calling a function for each node visited in the traversal, use g_node_traverse() or g_node_children_foreach(). To remove a node or subtree from a tree use g_node_unlink() or g_node_destroy().
