1 /*
2  * This file is part of gtkD.
3  *
4  * gtkD is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
5  * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License
6  * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3
7  * of the License, or (at your option) any later version, with
8  * some exceptions, please read the COPYING file.
9  *
10  * gtkD is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
11  * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
13  * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
14  *
15  * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
16  * along with gtkD; if not, write to the Free Software
17  * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110, USA
18  */
20 // generated automatically - do not change
21 // find conversion definition on APILookup.txt
22 // implement new conversion functionalities on the wrap.utils pakage
25 module gtk.Main;
27 private import gdk.Device;
28 private import gdk.Event;
29 private import gdk.Threads;
30 private import glib.ErrorG;
31 private import glib.GException;
32 private import glib.OptionGroup;
33 private import glib.Str;
34 private import gobject.ObjectG;
35 private import gtk.Widget;
36 private import gtk.c.functions;
37 public  import gtk.c.types;
38 public  import gtkc.gtktypes;
39 private import pango.PgLanguage;
42 /** */
43 public struct Main
44 {
45 	/**
46 	 * This initiates GtkD to supports multi threaded programs.
47 	 * read full documantation at http://gtk.org/faq/#AEN482
48 	 * from the FAQ:
49 	 * "There is a single global lock that you must acquire with
50 	 * gdk_threads_enter() before making any GDK calls,
51 	 * and release with gdk_threads_leave() afterwards throughout your code."
52 	 * This is to be used on any call to GDK not executed from the main thread.
53 	 */
54 	public static void initMultiThread(string[] args)
55 	{
56 		threadsInit();
57 		init(args);
58 	}
60 	/**
61 	 */
63 	/**
64 	 * Adds a GTK+ grab on @device, so all the events on @device and its
65 	 * associated pointer or keyboard (if any) are delivered to @widget.
66 	 * If the @block_others parameter is %TRUE, any other devices will be
67 	 * unable to interact with @widget during the grab.
68 	 *
69 	 * Params:
70 	 *     widget = a #GtkWidget
71 	 *     device = a #GdkDevice to grab on.
72 	 *     blockOthers = %TRUE to prevent other devices to interact with @widget.
73 	 *
74 	 * Since: 3.0
75 	 */
76 	public static void deviceGrabAdd(Widget widget, Device device, bool blockOthers)
77 	{
78 		gtk_device_grab_add((widget is null) ? null : widget.getWidgetStruct(), (device is null) ? null : device.getDeviceStruct(), blockOthers);
79 	}
81 	/**
82 	 * Removes a device grab from the given widget.
83 	 *
84 	 * You have to pair calls to gtk_device_grab_add() and
85 	 * gtk_device_grab_remove().
86 	 *
87 	 * Params:
88 	 *     widget = a #GtkWidget
89 	 *     device = a #GdkDevice
90 	 *
91 	 * Since: 3.0
92 	 */
93 	public static void deviceGrabRemove(Widget widget, Device device)
94 	{
95 		gtk_device_grab_remove((widget is null) ? null : widget.getWidgetStruct(), (device is null) ? null : device.getDeviceStruct());
96 	}
98 	/**
99 	 * Prevents gtk_init(), gtk_init_check(), gtk_init_with_args() and
100 	 * gtk_parse_args() from automatically
101 	 * calling `setlocale (LC_ALL, "")`. You would
102 	 * want to use this function if you wanted to set the locale for
103 	 * your program to something other than the user’s locale, or if
104 	 * you wanted to set different values for different locale categories.
105 	 *
106 	 * Most programs should not need to call this function.
107 	 */
108 	public static void disableSetlocale()
109 	{
110 		gtk_disable_setlocale();
111 	}
113 	/**
114 	 * Checks if any events are pending.
115 	 *
116 	 * This can be used to update the UI and invoke timeouts etc.
117 	 * while doing some time intensive computation.
118 	 *
119 	 * ## Updating the UI during a long computation
120 	 *
121 	 * |[<!-- language="C" -->
122 	 * // computation going on...
123 	 *
124 	 * while (gtk_events_pending ())
125 	 * gtk_main_iteration ();
126 	 *
127 	 * // ...computation continued
128 	 * ]|
129 	 *
130 	 * Returns: %TRUE if any events are pending, %FALSE otherwise
131 	 */
132 	public static bool eventsPending()
133 	{
134 		return gtk_events_pending() != 0;
135 	}
137 	/**
138 	 * Obtains a copy of the event currently being processed by GTK+.
139 	 *
140 	 * For example, if you are handling a #GtkButton::clicked signal,
141 	 * the current event will be the #GdkEventButton that triggered
142 	 * the ::clicked signal.
143 	 *
144 	 * Returns: a copy of the current event, or
145 	 *     %NULL if there is no current event. The returned event must be
146 	 *     freed with gdk_event_free().
147 	 */
148 	public static Event getCurrentEvent()
149 	{
150 		auto p = gtk_get_current_event();
152 		if(p is null)
153 		{
154 			return null;
155 		}
157 		return ObjectG.getDObject!(Event)(cast(GdkEvent*) p, true);
158 	}
160 	/**
161 	 * If there is a current event and it has a device, return that
162 	 * device, otherwise return %NULL.
163 	 *
164 	 * Returns: a #GdkDevice, or %NULL
165 	 */
166 	public static Device getCurrentEventDevice()
167 	{
168 		auto p = gtk_get_current_event_device();
170 		if(p is null)
171 		{
172 			return null;
173 		}
175 		return ObjectG.getDObject!(Device)(cast(GdkDevice*) p);
176 	}
178 	/**
179 	 * If there is a current event and it has a state field, place
180 	 * that state field in @state and return %TRUE, otherwise return
181 	 * %FALSE.
182 	 *
183 	 * Params:
184 	 *     state = a location to store the state of the current event
185 	 *
186 	 * Returns: %TRUE if there was a current event and it
187 	 *     had a state field
188 	 */
189 	public static bool getCurrentEventState(out GdkModifierType state)
190 	{
191 		return gtk_get_current_event_state(&state) != 0;
192 	}
194 	/**
195 	 * If there is a current event and it has a timestamp,
196 	 * return that timestamp, otherwise return %GDK_CURRENT_TIME.
197 	 *
198 	 * Returns: the timestamp from the current event,
199 	 *     or %GDK_CURRENT_TIME.
200 	 */
201 	public static uint getCurrentEventTime()
202 	{
203 		return gtk_get_current_event_time();
204 	}
206 	/**
207 	 * Returns the GTK+ debug flags.
208 	 *
209 	 * This function is intended for GTK+ modules that want
210 	 * to adjust their debug output based on GTK+ debug flags.
211 	 *
212 	 * Returns: the GTK+ debug flags.
213 	 */
214 	public static uint getDebugFlags()
215 	{
216 		return gtk_get_debug_flags();
217 	}
219 	/**
220 	 * Returns the #PangoLanguage for the default language currently in
221 	 * effect. (Note that this can change over the life of an
222 	 * application.) The default language is derived from the current
223 	 * locale. It determines, for example, whether GTK+ uses the
224 	 * right-to-left or left-to-right text direction.
225 	 *
226 	 * This function is equivalent to pango_language_get_default().
227 	 * See that function for details.
228 	 *
229 	 * Returns: the default language as a #PangoLanguage,
230 	 *     must not be freed
231 	 */
232 	public static PgLanguage getDefaultLanguage()
233 	{
234 		auto p = gtk_get_default_language();
236 		if(p is null)
237 		{
238 			return null;
239 		}
241 		return ObjectG.getDObject!(PgLanguage)(cast(PangoLanguage*) p);
242 	}
244 	/**
245 	 * If @event is %NULL or the event was not associated with any widget,
246 	 * returns %NULL, otherwise returns the widget that received the event
247 	 * originally.
248 	 *
249 	 * Params:
250 	 *     event = a #GdkEvent
251 	 *
252 	 * Returns: the widget that originally
253 	 *     received @event, or %NULL
254 	 */
255 	public static Widget getEventWidget(Event event)
256 	{
257 		auto p = gtk_get_event_widget((event is null) ? null : event.getEventStruct());
259 		if(p is null)
260 		{
261 			return null;
262 		}
264 		return ObjectG.getDObject!(Widget)(cast(GtkWidget*) p);
265 	}
267 	/**
268 	 * Get the direction of the current locale. This is the expected
269 	 * reading direction for text and UI.
270 	 *
271 	 * This function depends on the current locale being set with
272 	 * setlocale() and will default to setting the %GTK_TEXT_DIR_LTR
273 	 * direction otherwise. %GTK_TEXT_DIR_NONE will never be returned.
274 	 *
275 	 * GTK+ sets the default text direction according to the locale
276 	 * during gtk_init(), and you should normally use
277 	 * gtk_widget_get_direction() or gtk_widget_get_default_direction()
278 	 * to obtain the current direcion.
279 	 *
280 	 * This function is only needed rare cases when the locale is
281 	 * changed after GTK+ has already been initialized. In this case,
282 	 * you can use it to update the default text direction as follows:
283 	 *
284 	 * |[<!-- language="C" -->
285 	 * setlocale (LC_ALL, new_locale);
286 	 * direction = gtk_get_locale_direction ();
287 	 * gtk_widget_set_default_direction (direction);
288 	 * ]|
289 	 *
290 	 * Returns: the #GtkTextDirection of the current locale
291 	 *
292 	 * Since: 3.12
293 	 */
294 	public static GtkTextDirection getLocaleDirection()
295 	{
296 		return gtk_get_locale_direction();
297 	}
299 	/**
300 	 * Returns a #GOptionGroup for the commandline arguments recognized
301 	 * by GTK+ and GDK.
302 	 *
303 	 * You should add this group to your #GOptionContext
304 	 * with g_option_context_add_group(), if you are using
305 	 * g_option_context_parse() to parse your commandline arguments.
306 	 *
307 	 * Params:
308 	 *     openDefaultDisplay = whether to open the default display
309 	 *         when parsing the commandline arguments
310 	 *
311 	 * Returns: a #GOptionGroup for the commandline
312 	 *     arguments recognized by GTK+
313 	 *
314 	 * Since: 2.6
315 	 */
316 	public static OptionGroup getOptionGroup(bool openDefaultDisplay)
317 	{
318 		auto p = gtk_get_option_group(openDefaultDisplay);
320 		if(p is null)
321 		{
322 			return null;
323 		}
325 		return new OptionGroup(cast(GOptionGroup*) p, true);
326 	}
328 	/**
329 	 * Queries the current grab of the default window group.
330 	 *
331 	 * Returns: The widget which currently
332 	 *     has the grab or %NULL if no grab is active
333 	 */
334 	public static Widget grabGetCurrent()
335 	{
336 		auto p = gtk_grab_get_current();
338 		if(p is null)
339 		{
340 			return null;
341 		}
343 		return ObjectG.getDObject!(Widget)(cast(GtkWidget*) p);
344 	}
346 	/**
347 	 * Call this function before using any other GTK+ functions in your GUI
348 	 * applications.  It will initialize everything needed to operate the
349 	 * toolkit and parses some standard command line options.
350 	 *
351 	 * Although you are expected to pass the @argc, @argv parameters from main() to
352 	 * this function, it is possible to pass %NULL if @argv is not available or
353 	 * commandline handling is not required.
354 	 *
355 	 * @argc and @argv are adjusted accordingly so your own code will
356 	 * never see those standard arguments.
357 	 *
358 	 * Note that there are some alternative ways to initialize GTK+:
359 	 * if you are calling gtk_parse_args(), gtk_init_check(),
360 	 * gtk_init_with_args() or g_option_context_parse() with
361 	 * the option group returned by gtk_get_option_group(),
362 	 * you don’t have to call gtk_init().
363 	 *
364 	 * And if you are using #GtkApplication, you don't have to call any of the
365 	 * initialization functions either; the #GtkApplication::startup handler
366 	 * does it for you.
367 	 *
368 	 * This function will terminate your program if it was unable to
369 	 * initialize the windowing system for some reason. If you want
370 	 * your program to fall back to a textual interface you want to
371 	 * call gtk_init_check() instead.
372 	 *
373 	 * Since 2.18, GTK+ calls `signal (SIGPIPE, SIG_IGN)`
374 	 * during initialization, to ignore SIGPIPE signals, since these are
375 	 * almost never wanted in graphical applications. If you do need to
376 	 * handle SIGPIPE for some reason, reset the handler after gtk_init(),
377 	 * but notice that other libraries (e.g. libdbus or gvfs) might do
378 	 * similar things.
379 	 *
380 	 * Params:
381 	 *     argv = Address of the
382 	 *         `argv` parameter of main(), or %NULL. Any options
383 	 *         understood by GTK+ are stripped before return.
384 	 */
385 	public static void init(ref string[] argv)
386 	{
387 		int argc = cast(int)argv.length;
388 		char** outargv = Str.toStringzArray(argv);
390 		gtk_init(&argc, &outargv);
392 		argv = Str.toStringArray(outargv, argc);
393 	}
395 	/**
396 	 * This function does the same work as gtk_init() with only a single
397 	 * change: It does not terminate the program if the commandline
398 	 * arguments couldn’t be parsed or the windowing system can’t be
399 	 * initialized. Instead it returns %FALSE on failure.
400 	 *
401 	 * This way the application can fall back to some other means of
402 	 * communication with the user - for example a curses or command line
403 	 * interface.
404 	 *
405 	 * Params:
406 	 *     argv = Address of the
407 	 *         `argv` parameter of main(), or %NULL. Any options
408 	 *         understood by GTK+ are stripped before return.
409 	 *
410 	 * Returns: %TRUE if the commandline arguments (if any) were valid and
411 	 *     the windowing system has been successfully initialized, %FALSE
412 	 *     otherwise
413 	 */
414 	public static bool initCheck(ref string[] argv)
415 	{
416 		int argc = cast(int)argv.length;
417 		char** outargv = Str.toStringzArray(argv);
419 		auto p = gtk_init_check(&argc, &outargv) != 0;
421 		argv = Str.toStringArray(outargv, argc);
423 		return p;
424 	}
426 	/**
427 	 * This function does the same work as gtk_init_check().
428 	 * Additionally, it allows you to add your own commandline options,
429 	 * and it automatically generates nicely formatted
430 	 * `--help` output. Note that your program will
431 	 * be terminated after writing out the help output.
432 	 *
433 	 * Params:
434 	 *     argv = Address of the
435 	 *         `argv` parameter of main(), or %NULL. Any options
436 	 *         understood by GTK+ are stripped before return.
437 	 *     parameterString = a string which is displayed in
438 	 *         the first line of `--help` output, after
439 	 *         `programname [OPTION...]`
440 	 *     entries = a %NULL-terminated array
441 	 *         of #GOptionEntrys describing the options of your program
442 	 *     translationDomain = a translation domain to use for translating
443 	 *         the `--help` output for the options in @entries
444 	 *         and the @parameter_string with gettext(), or %NULL
445 	 *
446 	 * Returns: %TRUE if the commandline arguments (if any) were valid and
447 	 *     if the windowing system has been successfully initialized,
448 	 *     %FALSE otherwise
449 	 *
450 	 * Since: 2.6
451 	 *
452 	 * Throws: GException on failure.
453 	 */
454 	public static bool initWithArgs(ref string[] argv, string parameterString, GOptionEntry[] entries, string translationDomain)
455 	{
456 		int argc = cast(int)argv.length;
457 		char** outargv = Str.toStringzArray(argv);
458 		GError* err = null;
460 		auto p = gtk_init_with_args(&argc, &outargv, Str.toStringz(parameterString), entries.ptr, Str.toStringz(translationDomain), &err) != 0;
462 		if (err !is null)
463 		{
464 			throw new GException( new ErrorG(err) );
465 		}
467 		argv = Str.toStringArray(outargv, argc);
469 		return p;
470 	}
472 	/**
473 	 * Installs a key snooper function, which will get called on all
474 	 * key events before delivering them normally.
475 	 *
476 	 * Deprecated: Key snooping should not be done. Events should
477 	 * be handled by widgets.
478 	 *
479 	 * Params:
480 	 *     snooper = a #GtkKeySnoopFunc
481 	 *     funcData = data to pass to @snooper
482 	 *
483 	 * Returns: a unique id for this key snooper for use with
484 	 *     gtk_key_snooper_remove().
485 	 */
486 	public static uint keySnooperInstall(GtkKeySnoopFunc snooper, void* funcData)
487 	{
488 		return gtk_key_snooper_install(snooper, funcData);
489 	}
491 	/**
492 	 * Removes the key snooper function with the given id.
493 	 *
494 	 * Deprecated: Key snooping should not be done. Events should
495 	 * be handled by widgets.
496 	 *
497 	 * Params:
498 	 *     snooperHandlerId = Identifies the key snooper to remove
499 	 */
500 	public static void keySnooperRemove(uint snooperHandlerId)
501 	{
502 		gtk_key_snooper_remove(snooperHandlerId);
503 	}
505 	/**
506 	 * Runs the main loop until gtk_main_quit() is called.
507 	 *
508 	 * You can nest calls to gtk_main(). In that case gtk_main_quit()
509 	 * will make the innermost invocation of the main loop return.
510 	 */
511 	public static void run()
512 	{
513 		gtk_main();
514 	}
516 	/**
517 	 * Processes a single GDK event.
518 	 *
519 	 * This is public only to allow filtering of events between GDK and GTK+.
520 	 * You will not usually need to call this function directly.
521 	 *
522 	 * While you should not call this function directly, you might want to
523 	 * know how exactly events are handled. So here is what this function
524 	 * does with the event:
525 	 *
526 	 * 1. Compress enter/leave notify events. If the event passed build an
527 	 * enter/leave pair together with the next event (peeked from GDK), both
528 	 * events are thrown away. This is to avoid a backlog of (de-)highlighting
529 	 * widgets crossed by the pointer.
530 	 *
531 	 * 2. Find the widget which got the event. If the widget can’t be determined
532 	 * the event is thrown away unless it belongs to a INCR transaction.
533 	 *
534 	 * 3. Then the event is pushed onto a stack so you can query the currently
535 	 * handled event with gtk_get_current_event().
536 	 *
537 	 * 4. The event is sent to a widget. If a grab is active all events for widgets
538 	 * that are not in the contained in the grab widget are sent to the latter
539 	 * with a few exceptions:
540 	 * - Deletion and destruction events are still sent to the event widget for
541 	 * obvious reasons.
542 	 * - Events which directly relate to the visual representation of the event
543 	 * widget.
544 	 * - Leave events are delivered to the event widget if there was an enter
545 	 * event delivered to it before without the paired leave event.
546 	 * - Drag events are not redirected because it is unclear what the semantics
547 	 * of that would be.
548 	 * Another point of interest might be that all key events are first passed
549 	 * through the key snooper functions if there are any. Read the description
550 	 * of gtk_key_snooper_install() if you need this feature.
551 	 *
552 	 * 5. After finishing the delivery the event is popped from the event stack.
553 	 *
554 	 * Params:
555 	 *     event = An event to process (normally passed by GDK)
556 	 */
557 	public static void doEvent(Event event)
558 	{
559 		gtk_main_do_event((event is null) ? null : event.getEventStruct());
560 	}
562 	/**
563 	 * Runs a single iteration of the mainloop.
564 	 *
565 	 * If no events are waiting to be processed GTK+ will block
566 	 * until the next event is noticed. If you don’t want to block
567 	 * look at gtk_main_iteration_do() or check if any events are
568 	 * pending with gtk_events_pending() first.
569 	 *
570 	 * Returns: %TRUE if gtk_main_quit() has been called for the
571 	 *     innermost mainloop
572 	 */
573 	public static bool iteration()
574 	{
575 		return gtk_main_iteration() != 0;
576 	}
578 	/**
579 	 * Runs a single iteration of the mainloop.
580 	 * If no events are available either return or block depending on
581 	 * the value of @blocking.
582 	 *
583 	 * Params:
584 	 *     blocking = %TRUE if you want GTK+ to block if no events are pending
585 	 *
586 	 * Returns: %TRUE if gtk_main_quit() has been called for the
587 	 *     innermost mainloop
588 	 */
589 	public static bool iterationDo(bool blocking)
590 	{
591 		return gtk_main_iteration_do(blocking) != 0;
592 	}
594 	/**
595 	 * Asks for the current nesting level of the main loop.
596 	 *
597 	 * Returns: the nesting level of the current invocation
598 	 *     of the main loop
599 	 */
600 	public static uint level()
601 	{
602 		return gtk_main_level();
603 	}
605 	/**
606 	 * Makes the innermost invocation of the main loop return
607 	 * when it regains control.
608 	 */
609 	public static void quit()
610 	{
611 		gtk_main_quit();
612 	}
614 	/**
615 	 * Parses command line arguments, and initializes global
616 	 * attributes of GTK+, but does not actually open a connection
617 	 * to a display. (See gdk_display_open(), gdk_get_display_arg_name())
618 	 *
619 	 * Any arguments used by GTK+ or GDK are removed from the array and
620 	 * @argc and @argv are updated accordingly.
621 	 *
622 	 * There is no need to call this function explicitly if you are using
623 	 * gtk_init(), or gtk_init_check().
624 	 *
625 	 * Note that many aspects of GTK+ require a display connection to
626 	 * function, so this way of initializing GTK+ is really only useful
627 	 * for specialized use cases.
628 	 *
629 	 * Params:
630 	 *     argv = a pointer to the array of
631 	 *         command line arguments
632 	 *
633 	 * Returns: %TRUE if initialization succeeded, otherwise %FALSE
634 	 */
635 	public static bool parseArgs(ref string[] argv)
636 	{
637 		int argc = cast(int)argv.length;
638 		char** outargv = Str.toStringzArray(argv);
640 		auto p = gtk_parse_args(&argc, &outargv) != 0;
642 		argv = Str.toStringArray(outargv, argc);
644 		return p;
645 	}
647 	/**
648 	 * Sends an event to a widget, propagating the event to parent widgets
649 	 * if the event remains unhandled.
650 	 *
651 	 * Events received by GTK+ from GDK normally begin in gtk_main_do_event().
652 	 * Depending on the type of event, existence of modal dialogs, grabs, etc.,
653 	 * the event may be propagated; if so, this function is used.
654 	 *
655 	 * gtk_propagate_event() calls gtk_widget_event() on each widget it
656 	 * decides to send the event to. So gtk_widget_event() is the lowest-level
657 	 * function; it simply emits the #GtkWidget::event and possibly an
658 	 * event-specific signal on a widget. gtk_propagate_event() is a bit
659 	 * higher-level, and gtk_main_do_event() is the highest level.
660 	 *
661 	 * All that said, you most likely don’t want to use any of these
662 	 * functions; synthesizing events is rarely needed. There are almost
663 	 * certainly better ways to achieve your goals. For example, use
664 	 * gdk_window_invalidate_rect() or gtk_widget_queue_draw() instead
665 	 * of making up expose events.
666 	 *
667 	 * Params:
668 	 *     widget = a #GtkWidget
669 	 *     event = an event
670 	 */
671 	public static void propagateEvent(Widget widget, Event event)
672 	{
673 		gtk_propagate_event((widget is null) ? null : widget.getWidgetStruct(), (event is null) ? null : event.getEventStruct());
674 	}
676 	/**
677 	 * Sets the GTK+ debug flags.
678 	 */
679 	public static void setDebugFlags(uint flags)
680 	{
681 		gtk_set_debug_flags(flags);
682 	}
683 }