1 /*
2  * This file is part of gtkD.
3  *
4  * gtkD is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
5  * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License
6  * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3
7  * of the License, or (at your option) any later version, with
8  * some exceptions, please read the COPYING file.
9  *
10  * gtkD is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
11  * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
13  * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
14  *
15  * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
16  * along with gtkD; if not, write to the Free Software
17  * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110, USA
18  */
20 // generated automatically - do not change
21 // find conversion definition on APILookup.txt
22 // implement new conversion functionalities on the wrap.utils pakage
25 module glib.Messages;
27 private import glib.Str;
28 private import glib.c.functions;
29 public  import glib.c.types;
30 public  import gtkc.glibtypes;
33 /** */
34 public struct Messages
35 {
37 	/**
38 	 * Prompts the user with
39 	 * `[E]xit, [H]alt, show [S]tack trace or [P]roceed`.
40 	 * This function is intended to be used for debugging use only.
41 	 * The following example shows how it can be used together with
42 	 * the g_log() functions.
43 	 *
44 	 * |[<!-- language="C" -->
45 	 * #include <glib.h>
46 	 *
47 	 * static void
48 	 * log_handler (const gchar   *log_domain,
49 	 * GLogLevelFlags log_level,
50 	 * const gchar   *message,
51 	 * gpointer       user_data)
52 	 * {
53 	 * g_log_default_handler (log_domain, log_level, message, user_data);
54 	 *
55 	 * g_on_error_query (MY_PROGRAM_NAME);
56 	 * }
57 	 *
58 	 * int
59 	 * main (int argc, char *argv[])
60 	 * {
61 	 * g_log_set_handler (MY_LOG_DOMAIN,
65 	 * log_handler,
66 	 * NULL);
67 	 * ...
68 	 * ]|
69 	 *
70 	 * If "[E]xit" is selected, the application terminates with a call
71 	 * to _exit(0).
72 	 *
73 	 * If "[S]tack" trace is selected, g_on_error_stack_trace() is called.
74 	 * This invokes gdb, which attaches to the current process and shows
75 	 * a stack trace. The prompt is then shown again.
76 	 *
77 	 * If "[P]roceed" is selected, the function returns.
78 	 *
79 	 * This function may cause different actions on non-UNIX platforms.
80 	 *
81 	 * On Windows consider using the `G_DEBUGGER` environment
82 	 * variable (see [Running GLib Applications](glib-running.html)) and
83 	 * calling g_on_error_stack_trace() instead.
84 	 *
85 	 * Params:
86 	 *     prgName = the program name, needed by gdb for the "[S]tack trace"
87 	 *         option. If @prg_name is %NULL, g_get_prgname() is called to get
88 	 *         the program name (which will work correctly if gdk_init() or
89 	 *         gtk_init() has been called)
90 	 */
91 	public static void onErrorQuery(string prgName)
92 	{
93 		g_on_error_query(Str.toStringz(prgName));
94 	}
96 	/**
97 	 * Invokes gdb, which attaches to the current process and shows a
98 	 * stack trace. Called by g_on_error_query() when the "[S]tack trace"
99 	 * option is selected. You can get the current process's program name
100 	 * with g_get_prgname(), assuming that you have called gtk_init() or
101 	 * gdk_init().
102 	 *
103 	 * This function may cause different actions on non-UNIX platforms.
104 	 *
105 	 * When running on Windows, this function is *not* called by
106 	 * g_on_error_query(). If called directly, it will raise an
107 	 * exception, which will crash the program. If the `G_DEBUGGER` environment
108 	 * variable is set, a debugger will be invoked to attach and
109 	 * handle that exception (see [Running GLib Applications](glib-running.html)).
110 	 *
111 	 * Params:
112 	 *     prgName = the program name, needed by gdb for the "[S]tack trace"
113 	 *         option
114 	 */
115 	public static void onErrorStackTrace(string prgName)
116 	{
117 		g_on_error_stack_trace(Str.toStringz(prgName));
118 	}
120 	/**
121 	 * Sets the print handler.
122 	 *
123 	 * Any messages passed to g_print() will be output via
124 	 * the new handler. The default handler simply outputs
125 	 * the message to stdout. By providing your own handler
126 	 * you can redirect the output, to a GTK+ widget or a
127 	 * log file for example.
128 	 *
129 	 * Params:
130 	 *     func = the new print handler
131 	 *
132 	 * Returns: the old print handler
133 	 */
134 	public static GPrintFunc setPrintHandler(GPrintFunc func)
135 	{
136 		return g_set_print_handler(func);
137 	}
139 	/**
140 	 * Sets the handler for printing error messages.
141 	 *
142 	 * Any messages passed to g_printerr() will be output via
143 	 * the new handler. The default handler simply outputs the
144 	 * message to stderr. By providing your own handler you can
145 	 * redirect the output, to a GTK+ widget or a log file for
146 	 * example.
147 	 *
148 	 * Params:
149 	 *     func = the new error message handler
150 	 *
151 	 * Returns: the old error message handler
152 	 */
153 	public static GPrintFunc setPrinterrHandler(GPrintFunc func)
154 	{
155 		return g_set_printerr_handler(func);
156 	}
157 }