
#GtkGestureSingle is a subclass of #GtkGesture, optimized (although not restricted) for dealing with mouse and single-touch gestures. Under interaction, these gestures stick to the first interacting sequence, which is accessible through gtk_gesture_single_get_current_sequence() while the gesture is being interacted with.

By default gestures react to both %GDK_BUTTON_PRIMARY and touch events, gtk_gesture_single_set_touch_only() can be used to change the touch behavior. Callers may also specify a different mouse button number to interact with through gtk_gesture_single_set_button(), or react to any mouse button by setting 0. While the gesture is active, the button being currently pressed can be known through gtk_gesture_single_get_current_button().


this(GtkGestureSingle* gtkGestureSingle, bool ownedRef)

Sets our main struct and passes it to the parent class.



uint getButton()

Returns the button number @gesture listens for, or 0 if @gesture reacts to any button press.

uint getCurrentButton()

Returns the button number currently interacting with @gesture, or 0 if there is none.

GdkEventSequence* getCurrentSequence()

Returns the event sequence currently interacting with @gesture. This is only meaningful if gtk_gesture_is_active() returns %TRUE.

bool getExclusive()

Gets whether a gesture is exclusive. For more information, see gtk_gesture_single_set_exclusive().

GtkGestureSingle* getGestureSingleStruct(bool transferOwnership)

Get the main Gtk struct

void* getStruct()

the main Gtk struct as a void*

bool getTouchOnly()

Returns %TRUE if the gesture is only triggered by touch events.

void setButton(uint button)

Sets the button number @gesture listens to. If non-0, every button press from a different button number will be ignored. Touch events implicitly match with button 1.

void setExclusive(bool exclusive)

Sets whether @gesture is exclusive. An exclusive gesture will only handle pointer and "pointer emulated" touch events, so at any given time, there is only one sequence able to interact with those.

void setTouchOnly(bool touchOnly)

If @touch_only is %TRUE, @gesture will only handle events of type #GDK_TOUCH_BEGIN, #GDK_TOUCH_UPDATE or #GDK_TOUCH_END. If %FALSE, mouse events will be handled too.

Static functions

GType getType()


GtkGestureSingle* gtkGestureSingle;

the main Gtk struct

Inherited Members

From Gesture

GtkGesture* gtkGesture;

the main Gtk struct

GtkGesture* getGestureStruct(bool transferOwnership)

Get the main Gtk struct

void* getStruct()

the main Gtk struct as a void*

GType getType()
bool getBoundingBox(GdkRectangle rect)

If there are touch sequences being currently handled by @gesture, this function returns %TRUE and fills in @rect with the bounding box containing all active touches. Otherwise, %FALSE will be returned.

bool getBoundingBoxCenter(double x, double y)

If there are touch sequences being currently handled by @gesture, this function returns %TRUE and fills in @x and @y with the center of the bounding box containing all active touches. Otherwise, %FALSE will be returned.

Device getDevice()

Returns the master #GdkDevice that is currently operating on @gesture, or %NULL if the gesture is not being interacted.

ListG getGroup()

Returns all gestures in the group of @gesture

Event getLastEvent(GdkEventSequence* sequence)

Returns the last event that was processed for @sequence.

GdkEventSequence* getLastUpdatedSequence()

Returns the #GdkEventSequence that was last updated on @gesture.

bool getPoint(GdkEventSequence* sequence, double x, double y)

If @sequence is currently being interpreted by @gesture, this function returns %TRUE and fills in @x and @y with the last coordinates stored for that event sequence. The coordinates are always relative to the widget allocation.

GtkEventSequenceState getSequenceState(GdkEventSequence* sequence)

Returns the @sequence state, as seen by @gesture.

ListG getSequences()

Returns the list of #GdkEventSequences currently being interpreted by @gesture.

Window getWindow()

Returns the user-defined window that receives the events handled by @gesture. See gtk_gesture_set_window() for more information.

void group(Gesture gesture)

Adds @gesture to the same group than @group_gesture. Gestures are by default isolated in their own groups.

bool handlesSequence(GdkEventSequence* sequence)

Returns %TRUE if @gesture is currently handling events corresponding to @sequence.

bool isActive()

Returns %TRUE if the gesture is currently active. A gesture is active meanwhile there are touch sequences interacting with it.

bool isGroupedWith(Gesture other)

Returns %TRUE if both gestures pertain to the same group.

bool isRecognized()

Returns %TRUE if the gesture is currently recognized. A gesture is recognized if there are as many interacting touch sequences as required by @gesture, and #GtkGesture::check returned %TRUE for the sequences being currently interpreted.

bool setSequenceState(GdkEventSequence* sequence, GtkEventSequenceState state)

Sets the state of @sequence in @gesture. Sequences start in state #GTK_EVENT_SEQUENCE_NONE, and whenever they change state, they can never go back to that state. Likewise, sequences in state #GTK_EVENT_SEQUENCE_DENIED cannot turn back to a not denied state. With these rules, the lifetime of an event sequence is constrained to the next four:

bool setState(GtkEventSequenceState state)

Sets the state of all sequences that @gesture is currently interacting with. See gtk_gesture_set_sequence_state() for more details on sequence states.

void setWindow(Window window)

Sets a specific window to receive events about, so @gesture will effectively handle only events targeting @window, or a child of it. @window must pertain to gtk_event_controller_get_widget().

void ungroup()

Separates @gesture into an isolated group.

gulong addOnBegin(void delegate(GdkEventSequence*, Gesture) dlg, ConnectFlags connectFlags)

This signal is emitted when the gesture is recognized. This means the number of touch sequences matches #GtkGesture:n-points, and the #GtkGesture::check handler(s) returned #TRUE.

gulong addOnBegin(void delegate(Event, Gesture) dlg, ConnectFlags connectFlags)

This signal is emitted when the gesture is recognized. This means the number of touch sequences matches #GtkGesture:n-points, and the #GtkGesture::check handler(s) returned #TRUE.

gulong addOnCancel(void delegate(GdkEventSequence*, Gesture) dlg, ConnectFlags connectFlags)

This signal is emitted whenever a sequence is cancelled. This usually happens on active touches when gtk_event_controller_reset() is called on @gesture (manually, due to grabs...), or the individual @sequence was claimed by parent widgets' controllers (see gtk_gesture_set_sequence_state()).

gulong addOnCancel(void delegate(Event, Gesture) dlg, ConnectFlags connectFlags)

This signal is emitted whenever a sequence is cancelled. This usually happens on active touches when gtk_event_controller_reset() is called on @gesture (manually, due to grabs...), or the individual @sequence was claimed by parent widgets' controllers (see gtk_gesture_set_sequence_state()).

gulong addOnEnd(void delegate(GdkEventSequence*, Gesture) dlg, ConnectFlags connectFlags)

This signal is emitted when @gesture either stopped recognizing the event sequences as something to be handled (the #GtkGesture::check handler returned %FALSE), or the number of touch sequences became higher or lower than #GtkGesture:n-points.

gulong addOnEnd(void delegate(Event, Gesture) dlg, ConnectFlags connectFlags)

This signal is emitted when @gesture either stopped recognizing the event sequences as something to be handled (the #GtkGesture::check handler returned %FALSE), or the number of touch sequences became higher or lower than #GtkGesture:n-points.

gulong addOnSequenceStateChanged(void delegate(GdkEventSequence*, GtkEventSequenceState, Gesture) dlg, ConnectFlags connectFlags)

This signal is emitted whenever a sequence state changes. See gtk_gesture_set_sequence_state() to know more about the expectable sequence lifetimes.

gulong addOnSequenceStateChanged(void delegate(Event, GtkEventSequenceState, Gesture) dlg, ConnectFlags connectFlags)

This signal is emitted whenever a sequence state changes. See gtk_gesture_set_sequence_state() to know more about the expectable sequence lifetimes.

gulong addOnUpdate(void delegate(GdkEventSequence*, Gesture) dlg, ConnectFlags connectFlags)

This signal is emitted whenever an event is handled while the gesture is recognized. @sequence is guaranteed to pertain to the set of active touches.

gulong addOnUpdate(void delegate(Event, Gesture) dlg, ConnectFlags connectFlags)

This signal is emitted whenever an event is handled while the gesture is recognized. @sequence is guaranteed to pertain to the set of active touches.
