

Static functions

void addLogFunction(GstLogFunction func, void* userData, GDestroyNotify notify)

Adds the logging function to the list of logging functions. Be sure to use #G_GNUC_NO_INSTRUMENT on that function, it is needed.

string binToDotData(Bin bin, GstDebugGraphDetails details)

To aid debugging applications one can use this method to obtain the whole network of gstreamer elements that form the pipeline into an dot file. This data can be processed with graphviz to get an image.

void binToDotFile(Bin bin, GstDebugGraphDetails details, string fileName)

To aid debugging applications one can use this method to write out the whole network of gstreamer elements that form the pipeline into an dot file. This file can be processed with graphviz to get an image. <informalexample><programlisting> dot -Tpng -oimage.png </programlisting></informalexample>

void binToDotFileWithTs(Bin bin, GstDebugGraphDetails details, string fileName)

This works like gst_debug_bin_to_dot_file(), but adds the current timestamp to the filename, so that it can be used to take multiple snapshots.

string constructTermColor(uint colorinfo)

Constructs a string that can be used for getting the desired color in color terminals. You need to free the string after use.

int constructWinColor(uint colorinfo)

Constructs an integer that can be used for getting the desired color in windows' terminals (cmd.exe). As there is no mean to underline, we simply ignore this attribute.

ListSG getAllCategories()

Returns a snapshot of a all categories that are currently in use . This list may change anytime. The caller has to free the list after use.

GstDebugColorMode getColorMode()

Changes the coloring mode for debug output.

GstDebugLevel getDefaultThreshold()

Returns the default threshold that is used for new categories.

bool isActive()

Checks if debugging output is activated.

bool isColored()

Checks if the debugging output should be colored.

string levelGetName(GstDebugLevel level)

Get the string representation of a debugging level

void logDefault(DebugCategory category, GstDebugLevel level, string file, string function_, int line, ObjectG object, GstDebugMessage* message, void* userData)

The default logging handler used by GStreamer. Logging functions get called whenever a macro like GST_DEBUG or similar is used. By default this function is setup to output the message and additional info to stderr (or the log file specified via the GST_DEBUG_FILE environment variable) as received via @user_data.

void logValist(DebugCategory category, GstDebugLevel level, string file, string function_, int line, ObjectG object, string format, void* args)

Logs the given message using the currently registered debugging handlers.

void printStackTrace()

If libunwind, glibc backtrace or DbgHelp are present a stack trace is printed.

uint removeLogFunction(GstLogFunction func)

Removes all registered instances of the given logging functions.

uint removeLogFunctionByData(void* data)

Removes all registered instances of log functions with the given user data.

void setActive(bool active)

If activated, debugging messages are sent to the debugging handlers. It makes sense to deactivate it for speed issues. > This function is not threadsafe. It makes sense to only call it during initialization.

void setColorMode(GstDebugColorMode mode)

Changes the coloring mode for debug output.

void setColorModeFromString(string mode)

Changes the coloring mode for debug output.

void setColored(bool colored)

Sets or unsets the use of coloured debugging output. Same as gst_debug_set_color_mode () with the argument being being GST_DEBUG_COLOR_MODE_ON or GST_DEBUG_COLOR_MODE_OFF.

void setDefaultThreshold(GstDebugLevel level)

Sets the default threshold to the given level and updates all categories to use this threshold.

void setThresholdForName(string name, GstDebugLevel level)

Sets all categories which match the given glob style pattern to the given level.

void setThresholdFromString(string list, bool reset)

Sets the debug logging wanted in the same form as with the GST_DEBUG environment variable. You can use wildcards such as '*', but note that the order matters when you use wild cards, e.g. "foosrc:6,*src:3,*:2" sets everything to log level 2.

void unsetThresholdForName(string name)

Resets all categories with the given name back to the default level.
