
Returns the value associated with @key under @group_name translated in the given @locale if available. If @locale is %NULL then the current locale is assumed.

If @locale is to be non-%NULL, or if the current locale will change over the lifetime of the #GKeyFile, it must be loaded with %G_KEY_FILE_KEEP_TRANSLATIONS in order to load strings for all locales.

If @key cannot be found then %NULL is returned and @error is set to #G_KEY_FILE_ERROR_KEY_NOT_FOUND. If the value associated with @key cannot be interpreted or no suitable translation can be found then the untranslated value is returned.

class KeyFile
string groupName
string key
string locale


groupName string

a group name

key string

a key

locale string

a locale identifier or %NULL

Return Value

Type: string

a newly allocated string or %NULL if the specified key cannot be found.


GException on failure.
