
Request information for a number of files from the enumerator asynchronously. When all i/o for the operation is finished the @callback will be called with the requested information.

See the documentation of #GFileEnumerator for information about the order of returned files.

The callback can be called with less than @num_files files in case of error or at the end of the enumerator. In case of a partial error the callback will be called with any succeeding items and no error, and on the next request the error will be reported. If a request is cancelled the callback will be called with %G_IO_ERROR_CANCELLED.

During an async request no other sync and async calls are allowed, and will result in %G_IO_ERROR_PENDING errors.

Any outstanding i/o request with higher priority (lower numerical value) will be executed before an outstanding request with lower priority. Default priority is %G_PRIORITY_DEFAULT.

class FileEnumerator


numFiles int

the number of file info objects to request

ioPriority int

the [I/O priority][io-priority] of the request

cancellable Cancellable

optional #GCancellable object, %NULL to ignore.

callback GAsyncReadyCallback

a #GAsyncReadyCallback to call when the request is satisfied

userData void*

the data to pass to callback function
