
Equivalent to g_desktop_app_info_launch_uris_as_manager() but allows you to pass in file descriptors for the stdin, stdout and stderr streams of the launched process.

If application launching occurs via some non-spawn mechanism (e.g. D-Bus activation) then @stdin_fd, @stdout_fd and @stderr_fd are ignored.


uris ListG

List of URIs

launchContext AppLaunchContext

a #GAppLaunchContext

spawnFlags GSpawnFlags

#GSpawnFlags, used for each process

userSetup GSpawnChildSetupFunc

a #GSpawnChildSetupFunc, used once for each process.

userSetupData void*

User data for @user_setup

pidCallback GDesktopAppLaunchCallback

Callback for child processes

pidCallbackData void*

User data for @callback

stdinFd int

file descriptor to use for child's stdin, or -1

stdoutFd int

file descriptor to use for child's stdout, or -1

stderrFd int

file descriptor to use for child's stderr, or -1

Return Value

Type: bool

%TRUE on successful launch, %FALSE otherwise.


GException on failure.


