
Creates a #GSource that can be attached to a #GMainContext to monitor for the availability of the specified @condition on the #GDatagramBased. The #GSource keeps a reference to the @datagram_based.

The callback on the source is of the #GDatagramBasedSourceFunc type.

It is meaningless to specify %G_IO_ERR or %G_IO_HUP in @condition; these conditions will always be reported in the callback if they are true.

If non-%NULL, @cancellable can be used to cancel the source, which will cause the source to trigger, reporting the current condition (which is likely 0 unless cancellation happened at the same time as a condition change). You can check for this in the callback using g_cancellable_is_cancelled().

interface DatagramBasedIF


condition GIOCondition

a #GIOCondition mask to monitor

cancellable Cancellable

a #GCancellable

Return Value

Type: Source

a newly allocated #GSource


